Ice Guardian
Excellent game. Good graphics, sounds nice too. I had a great fun playing this game, and found it great made. Keep up the good work, and submit more. 4/5, 10/10
Ice Guardian
Excellent game. Good graphics, sounds nice too. I had a great fun playing this game, and found it great made. Keep up the good work, and submit more. 4/5, 10/10
Barrack Obama
Looks like swords & sandals game. However i like climate. It reminds me bums fighting for scrap of metal to sell it on scrapyard. Graphics are average, fun of playing too. 4/5, 6/10
Banana phone
Bad. But not so bad. It's playable and it made me play to the end. Work about graphics, add some sounds, for example when spikes come out, and make more. Really nice adventure game. Save. 2/5, 3/10.
Scum is scum.
Yay! Broly soundboard! Everything is nicely done and acceptable. You could get rid of that all white stuff and add few more sounds, but now it's good too. 4/5, 7/10.
i did it!
Can't wait to see DA3 full version. I hope it will be much longer than this one because i passed this in less than 3 minutes. Very short, but funny and relaxing. Putting more than 1 or 2 songs was a good idea. 3/5, 5/10.
The problem that i might encounter with the update, is the file being to big. This game came out over 15MB when i didn't compress it. The games here on newgrounds, i think, would be better with any filesize.
Fun, colorfull and not too easy to beat. liked psyhics and main character. Could be longer. 4/5, 9/10.
Dont touch your willy man
Joined on 6/23/09