

Dont touch your willy man

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Makakaov's News

Posted by Makakaov - May 5th, 2010

Why, Newgrounds? WHY!!?

Posted by Makakaov - April 30th, 2010

So i found my old Drama i wrote when i was a kid to laugh off Hamlet & stuff. It's actions had to be in 24 time, and everyone had to die. And that's what i wrote:

Henry Syphon - Assassin.
Henry's Puppet, William - Assassin.
Vladimir Slogger - Henry's Friend.
Ilone Carpet - Wassal of Lord udwig.
Judwig "Swallower" - Lord of Dome Town.
Knight Gregory - Master of Arena of Dome Town.
Popeye of the Colossus - Lord Judwig's best knight.

ACT 1:
It's Mignight. Henry Syphon, great assassin is reading news, like he always does at midnight. In the house are also:
William and Vladimir.

William, Vladimir; there'sa a job for us. Judwig, lord of Dome has to be decapitated today, till the midnight. 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 52 seconds we have, beafore we'll do it. Lets pack, then, and go to the Dome, Town full of Passants.

//So Henry, William and Vladimir get to Dome.

So we are in the Dome. Sure, this town full is of passants.

Find Judwig we must, beafore we leave the town.

//Henry, William, and Vladimir enter the castle.

O, courtesanes, where is your lord, Judwig?

Lord Judwig, the swallower, our lord is in that chamber, and I, his best wassal, Ilone Carpet am.

Get lost, Carpet.

//Chamber. In the chamber Lord Judwig, William, Henry, and Vladimir.

O Lord, Sup mofo', i want to offer my sword in your name as a sign of my "wassallage" to you!

So you a wassal want to be?

Ja (Jawohl).

So good. Go to the Arena, destroy Knight Gregory, and come back to me with his ripped off head.

As you say, i will do.

//Arena. Henryk Syphon, and Knight called the Gregory. on the auditorium, passants. Henry throws himself at Gregory, and destroys him to pieces ripping his head off.

//Chamber. In the chamber Vladimir, William, Judwig, and Henry.

Here is the head of Gregory's. It's empty. I checked.

Good. One more test awaits you.

What, henhouse full of sorrow for you!? Man, we have only 13 hours, and we're closed!

Okay, all of you can live in here.

//Room of Henry and William. Doors are open.

Henry, i know why we are here, but i liked that Judwig. Let's not kill him!

William, are you... QUEER!?

Think as you like, you won't kill Judwig.

//Henry and William get into a fight. Henry wins. Ilone Carpet saw all that scene thru a keyhole.

Oh, no! I must bring here Popeye of the Collossus.

//Noon. Ilone sends letter with courier to the Popeye, best knight of Lord Judwig also called the swallower, because he eats glue. Vladimir comes to Ilone.

What are you doing?

I'm sending a letter. To upright Knight, Popeye of the Collossus. I need him here.

Vladimir in his mind:
Henry, come here fast, that carpet servant bitch has called a knight.

//Suddenly Henry runs up to them.

You servant bitch! I'll die you!

// Vladimir kills Ilone with a fast stab of steam iron to her.

Or meaby not.

//Then there comes Popeye of the Collossus. When he notices dead Ilone, suddenly he turns and runs away. But then he turned again, got off his horse, and killed Vladimir.

I'm dying!

Normaly you wouldn't die. It's sure that this digging uranium labor you were working on made you weak.


//Vladimir dies.

You will die. For Vlad.

//Henry picks up Vuad's steam iron, and kills Popeye of the Collossus.

//Suddenly the ghost appears. William's ghost.

William's Ghost:
I'll Fuck you up Henry, you murderer.

//William's ghost takes steam iron from Henry, and kills him with it.
//Then he disapears. It's almost midnight.
//There comes Lord Judwig with bowl of glue.

Oh no!

//Judwig gets his knife from within his belt, and puts it in his intestines.

The end.

The translation is on purpose. I could translate it better, but it would look even worse not mentioning that few jokes in the text were gone because of the translation. Thanks for being interested and reading to the end.

Also i found a list of food which contains substances which are said to make your Libido bigger(by saying bigger i don't mean your croth will get bigger, but will to fuck):

-Juglans regia,

and more stuff i don't want to translate because i dn't know thair names in english.

Well, that's all i wanted to say today.

Posted by Makakaov - April 30th, 2010

I come back from home, get on computer, post my game (which i'm little ashamed of, since it's crap, but i find it a good way to get chance on earning something. But i don't really think i will win any place with it), get on main page and...

Tom didn't made a new post yet.

I guess he's celebrating his Birthday. Well, Happy Birthday, Tom. I'll sure drink to that.

On the other side i decided to finish my decent movie later, due to needed synchronisation with sound, and i don't have head to do this now.

Instead of this i decided to make a game, and well... No scripting yet, but it looks good.

Wish me luck.


Posted by Makakaov - April 28th, 2010

Why noone is checking it?

Posted by Makakaov - April 25th, 2010

I have finished work on my submission on Pico Day. Unfortunately i started work like month ago, and as we all know it, to have electricity, food, internet and stuff, i have to work too, so i lost couple of hours. Some things look undone, so i'll try to work on few details beafore actual Pico Day. Preloaders aren't still out yet, so I'm little worried about if i will be able to put it in the flash with no troubles. I hope so.

Just had to announce that. Also I don't remember if i wrote about this here, but i have started work on a flash way beafore Pico Day, and it's 50% done. It's a movie, and i hope you'll like it. Now i can continue my work on it, and hopefully it will see the world soon.

Posted by Makakaov - April 24th, 2010

So i invented game called the "Loner".

It's basicly a game where you get on someone's entries page like mine, and check the comments.

You click on nick of last guy who has posted in that entry (It has to be the lastest entry).

You repeat till you reach the end of a game.

When the game ends?

1. The Gay Ending - The gay ending is a ending where links loop, and you can't make progress on clicling on new profiles.

2. The Solid Ending - When you get back on start, on the profile, you started the game from.

3. The Solid Gay Ending - It's a loop, including the profile you started from.

4. Out Of Time Ending - When the man from who's profile you started a game, makes a new entry post.

5. The Loner Ending - When you get on Profile where there are no comments on an entry. Then you comment it "Loner", but it's still game over.

Imma Genious, Amen't I?

Posted by Makakaov - April 4th, 2010

So i officialy started making game for Pico Day. I hope to at least get 4th place, so i get 500 dollars, which might be 1000 zlotys, and it'd be only 400 zlotys more, and i get new computer of my dreams, so i can create in blender, or play games like CoD : MW, CoD : MW2, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock 2, Fallout 3, TeS: Oblivion, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear sky, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Prypiat, Metro 2033, Empires: Total War, Postal 3, Gta IV, and i could list so on, snd so on...

You see i'm a big fan of games, but i simply don't have money for it. That's why i decided to at least try to win something in here, so i can play games, for maing a game. Also i don't need it only for fun. My friend learns C++, so he can make a game, and i wanted to make models for it. Mentioned Blender beafore, didn't i? I can't work on it since it's laggy when i smooth it. But even without smoothing it, i'm pretty good. Just need better machine, GODDAMNIT!

Don't worry, the game won't be like "The Propercy".
I mean it will by my 2nd one, so i guess it won't be such a good one. I bet on gameplay. Not Graphics. I'm just not good artist i guess. Also i'm time limited, so i don't have time to draw something nice. I hope you will like it, and i will get a new machine. And yea, i'd be also able to play Battlefield : Bad company 2 on full details. I need that monster.

Also in case if you might be interested to donate me (I know, fat chance), my Paypal email is twojbog@o2.pl . Currently i have 2 dollars here, so i guess it's not enough.

Well, cya.

Posted by Makakaov - April 2nd, 2010

Posted by Makakaov - March 29th, 2010

So Welcome Comrades! This post is very Soviet,
So today i'm going to serve you lies, and let to the public only comments which I will like.

So on today's episode we can read how President Barrack Obama has confessed his true idenity whch is Vladimir Vissarionovich Kalinin - The humanoid made of DNA of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, and Mikhail Kalinin. The humanoid has contacted Kremlin right after reaching the President Status in United States of America. Now Americans are happy to live in fresh, and fair communist order. From this ocasion Area 51's personel in nevada has started to give away it's technologies ans secrets, since it's everyone's.

Communist hunters have caught chupacabra, gave order of Hero of Soviet union for eating the capitalist sheeps, but right after that it was said to be capitalist spy, and sent to Alaska for 20 years of hard labour.

k thx bai Comrades!


Posted by Makakaov - March 28th, 2010

So my mom became a troll sitting all days in front of computer. But now i don't care. I always hated her. Now i just feel free because i made decision not to help her. I'll just leave her alone. She doesn't even care about most things in the world anymore.

On the other news i have completed number 3 on my List of things to do i have achieved 1,000 posts on BBS.

This is number 1.
This is number 2.

Now since i made it, i'm waiting for you guys to think about another number for me to do.