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My top 10 saddest Video Game Moments.

Posted by Makakaov - May 14th, 2010

So i have realised that thru all time i spent in front of Video Games, was divided into feelings of amusement, rage, satisfaction, joy, lol, and sadness. I thought a lil' bit deeper about that last one, since i have played today a game, which includes scene perfect fitting for me on number one of my list.

I must admit i haven't played games like Chorno Tiger, or Final Fantasy - the big novel which sure includes very many manipulative feelings, so i guess it will be a poor list, and you may not agree with it.

Number 10: Death of Eli Vance:


Since i didn't really get familiar with him, he was a main character, and even dog saving the day, didn't make this scene joyful enough to not make Eli's Death sad. I guess the saddest part of it, is the fact that his daughter, Alyx watches his death, and shouts, and cries, and can't do anything about his death.

Number 9: Max Payne beggingng (+ Max Payne 2 ending):


I find it kinda sad. Max Payne, the New York cop one day comes to his house with his wife and doughter waiting for him, but some junkies have broken into his house, and killed his daughter. Max discovers that, but still has to fight to clear his own house. With his dead doughter in his head he had to rush into another room with his dead wife. Double fatal shock.


The ending of Max Payne 2 is sad too in my opinion. Max finds himself another love, but he has to fight another pack of bad guys, in the end finding out that one o the bad guys is his old firiend Vladimir. Action ends in Alfred Wooden's mansion, where Vlad kills Alfred, Mona - Max's new love, and dies by hand of Max, who after this comes to Mona, and depressed kisses her, like it had to wake he up from the dream she was in.

Number 8: Hitman : Codename 47 ending:



Clone number 47, a.k.a: Tobias Ripper, raised, and trained in Romenian mental institution by Doctor Ortmeyer, who worked on every gene possible to create him. 47 doesn't remember a thing, but when he gets back to mental institution to complete another contract, he remembers everything, and comes to Ortmeyer. Ortmeyer gets out ten clones to fight with 47, and while they fight, he tells 47 how much he had to work, how much time he spent for him, and how important he was. 47 sneaks to Ortmeyer's room using the body of one of the colnes, and kills him with cold blood.

The ending also reveals, that Ortmeyer was behind all hitman's contracts durning Hitman : Codename 47. He used 47 to kill the people he was in french foreign region. Hitman was created from samples of those people, so Ortmeyer didn't wanting to share any of his work, while being in danger from theese people decided to eliminate them.

Sad story for me. You might be interested in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin ending too, where Hitman saves his only friend, Father Vittorio, and simply walks away, leaving the cross Vittorio gave him on the main gate to the church he was hiding in. Sad gesture.

Number 7: Portal, Death of GLaDOS:


Player is being lied to thru the whole game by GLaDOS, inteligent machine, running portal device tests on sevral subjects in Aperature science facility. The protagonist is being lied that after the tests he will recieve a cake. Thru the tests he gets a companion cube, which he has later throw to the fire breaking it's heart to advance to the next level. Few tests later GLaDOS tries to kill subject too, but it (she?) survives, and fights GLaDOS, breaking it's heart too. A bit funny, but it's a sad story too.

Number 6: Metal Gear Solid 3: Death of The Boss:


The Boss: Snake's mentor. She taught Snake everything she could. Snake always wanted to be on her side, always wanted to be under her wings, but one day she disappeared from his life. She was on a top secret mission. Snake count all the time she was gone directly to the seconds. Then action in MGS 3 starts. In the mere beggining the Boss is sad to be traitor of the country, and with he legendary cobra unit joins the russia in Cold War. Snake go orders to kill her. It was hard for him, since he didn't understand, that being a soldier means executing orders, no matter what are those orders. Thru the whole game Snake and The Boss meet few times, and The Boss tells Snake to go home, and forget that she was his Mentor. Finally, after destroying the Shagohod, his Main objective, and earlier version of Metal Gear we can say, he meets with the Boss for a last fight.
Snake finally beats the Boss, and she gives him her weapon - the Patriot. She was never a traitor. She was kinda working undercover. Snake had to finish her personally, by shot in the head from the Patriot.

Sad, sad scene.

Number 5: Okami, apart with Issun:


Okami, Amaterasu, godness of sun in Japaneese legends. Under icon of snow white wolf with her companion Issun, she travels around whole Nippon in tons of adventures. Game is kinda long, and whole time Issun is with her. In the beggining Ammy, as Issun calls her, isn't much happy with Issun, but then they become great friends. Thru Joyful and Sad moments, always together fighting with the evil Army of monsters from Japanese legends. Finally, when Amaterasu clears Nippon from Evil, the ancient Ark appears, and ony gods can enter it. Amaterasu on her way to fight the last boss, and go home can't take Issun with her. The last moments when Issun and Amaterasu are splittign up are kind sad, but presence of Waka, mighty warrior, while destroying that moment, still didn't made me decision about leaving Issun easier. You gotta play the whole game to get that I guess.

Numbe 4: Death of Dad in Fallout 3:


(I couldn't find better video. In this one there's a bug. Dad dies with his back turned to player)

Living in Vault 101 with your dad was cool, till the moment where your dad escaped it without a word about it. You escape the vault, and search the wasteland for him. You follow his steps, till you find him, finishing what he started many years ago. Project Putiry. He wanted to fix water purifier from the radiation, so the rivers, and lakes in the wastelands are clean. Water was a big issue in there. When everything goes okay, and you work with dad on the purifier, he sends you to replace the old fuses with new ones. Then "Enclave" the remainings from U.S Goverment take over the place, and the commander - Colonel Augustus Autumn closes himself in the main controll chamber with your dad. They want to take the project from dad, and probably kill him afterwards, because they are bad guys. You watch the whole scene thru the glass door. Dad launches something which will cause error on purpose, to kill Autumn, and block the project for Enclave to continue. He's your dad, in your childhood always loving you, and in the beggining of the game where he shows you much love, no matter what you do, we really start to like him. He explains you why he escaped, and how your mother was loving you so much, and now, dying of radiation behind transparent door tells you to run, and falls on the ground. If you get into game, it actually IS sad.

Number 3: Metal Gear Solid 2: Emma's Death:


Emma - Hal Emmerich's younger stepsister didn't see Hal in lots of years. One time Emma was drowning in the pool, but Hal didn't help her, because he didn't hear her drowning. That was trauma for Emma. Their shared dad died, and Hal left Emma. Hal is a weapon engineer, and his sister wanted to be like him. She started to work on informatics, and became informatics expert working for serious people. On big Shell, where MGS 2 action takes place, Emma wrote virus to error the system. She got stabbed by the Vamp, one of the Bosses in MGS, and was bleeding herself out to death, when Raiden and Snake inserted the virus to the AI of GW - supercomputer in "Arsenal Gear".
Emma talks with Hal asking him to call her "Emma" for at least one time, since thru the whole time he was calling her E.E - diminutive from Emma Emmerich. Hal never says that while she's still alive, not understanding how important was that for Emma, who wanted to make Hal look at her as he was looking on the Woman, not his little sister. After all Hal always looses his love in MGS Series: Sniper Wolf in MGS 1, Emma in MGS 2, and Naomi Hunter in MGS4 (He didn't appear in MGS 3).

Number 2: Tenchu Ending:


Story about Ninja worriors: Rikimaru, and Ayame. Elite Ninjas complete packs of missions for Lord Gohda, living the way of the warrior. Great game with lots of perfect action. While getting thru all theese missions, and meeting specific bosses, characters, and just having a big great adventure, i started to likie Rikimaru who i was playing. In the ending, Mei-Oh, evil sorcerer who kidnapped Princess Kiku, Lord Gohda's daughter gets Killed by Rikimaru in the cave deep under ground. When Mei-Oh dies, cave starts to collapse, and ninjas run with little Princess Kiku. Ontheir way boulder falls and blocks teh way. Rikimaru sacrifaces himself, picking up the boulder, so Ayame can leave the cave with princess Kiku. Originaly Rikimaru dies showing that he's loyal to the end. Since kid he was member of Azuma ninja clan, working for Lord Gohda. Whole life spent for him.
In Tenchu : Wrath of Heaven, Rikimaru seems to survive, and that ruins the whole Tenchu 1 story i guess, but i didn't play Wrath of Heaven. There's not much i can tell about this game.
That was great ending. It would be defenetely number one, if not the moment which got me to the rest of my life.

Number one: You are EMPTY:



Theese are game cut scenes between the levels. And i don't find them all sad. I mean it IS a sad life of a boy who becomes a scientist, and builds gigant tower to controll people's minds, turning himself into a CPU of that machine, but the test fails, and Russia changes. Player wasn't affected by change. He was in a hospital, because he was hit by a car. In hospital people were running experimants on him, so he's a stronger supersoldier. But that's not sad. the game, and story are sad, yea, but not that much. The dirty, almost empty, but with hostile units in town is sad too, but not THAT much.

The saddest thing:


On 2nd Cutscene in first link, starting in 02:17, or just the last i posted: there's a boy.
Mom lefts him in front of Zoologic store, so he can watch the animals, when she will buy something. The boy looks thru the glass:

He's amused, he sees tiny tweeting birds, amazing goldfish, and... a beautiful little puppy. He concentrates his eyes on the Puppy. Nothing else, only the puppy. Puppy looks at a boy. It;s a moment of painless white joy. Time stops, it's a split of that paradisal state. The joy, and friendship building in one second. Boy, and a dog. So happy to see each other. so interested in themselves. Boy would like to stroke the dog, and Dog would like to sniff him, get close to him. Meet that human. Dog waks up to the mirror wowing his tail joyful and lovely barking, they are almost about to understand how happy they are.
Suddenly boy's mother comes back, grabs boy's hand, and heads home. Boy doesn't want to go. It is a beutiful puppy, and the boy would be very happy, if mother would buy him one. Of couse he knows it's not possible, so he just wants to look at the Puppy. Be next to it. There's already strong relatinship between them. Boy wants to the Dog, Dog wants to the boy. Starts bashing his head against the glass. THIS IS THE SADDEST MOMENT. Dog after a few seconds of looking at a boy, wants to be with him so much, as teh boy wants to. The friends forever idea is just behind the glass. Dog bashes his head against the glass, harder, and harder. Boy let go of the pipe he was holding, and moves in opposite direction shouting for the dog. Dog bashes the glass in hope to get to the boy, be with him, and bashes harder, and harder, till the blood comes out. The boy is gone now. Dog with blood on it's nose looks hopeless given up far, far away, with it's eyes.

I cried, and i can't real help myself to not again. I don't know why it's so sad for me. Meaby it's because in my childhood i lost many important things, and it's reminding me of pain i've been thru. Dunno, really, but that's the saddest thing which happened to me when i was playing video games.


Wow. Emo.

I fucking divided by zero!!!!!

15 / 1 = 15, i just didnt divide at all

15 / 0 = 0, when im sharing out it to 0, it stops existing! Hey, this sounds correct!

No sorry my newest experiences are this:

15 / 0 = 15,00000000000000000000000000001
I cant explain it!

I understand the state you are in, but from my point you just added 0.00000000000000000000000000001 to the 15. I still think that 15/0 = 15.